Do you want to earn three thousand dollars per article don't worry i will provide you six unique ways of creating articles absolutely for free in under 10 minutes with as little effort as possible along with that i will tell you 101 websites that are willing to pay you anywhere from fifty dollars to three thousand dollars per article that will take you only ten minutes to create so just watch this video till the end so that you don't miss out on anything as i will literally hold your hand through each and every step tell you each and every detail and also i will provide you a lot of free resources that will help you to get started and we are starting right now.
If you want to be an online entrepreneur and start your online journey consider smashing that like button slapping the subscribe button so that you don't miss out on any money making opportunity in this video i will show you 101 websites that are willing to pay you anywhere from fifty dollars to three thousand dollars per blog post and those blog posts will be anywhere from 500 words to a thousand words and i will tell you six unique ways of creating those blog posts absolutely for free in under 10 minutes with as little effort as possible as you can see over here there are plenty plenty of websites 101 websites to be exact that are willing to pay you a good chunk of money just to write articles so just stick till the end of this video to understand each and everything know all the six ways of creating content .
Then you can see what works best for you and apply those methods don't worry i will reveal the name of this website in just a few minutes but just come over here get paid to write a hundred and one sites that pay you anywhere from fifty dollars to three thousand dollars per blog post and if you come down below there are websites in each and every niche that you can think of if you are interested in traveling niche if you want to write articles of the traveling niche there are plenty of websites there are plenty of options for you to explore in the traveling niche there are also websites in the general interest niche maybe you don't have a particular interest maybe you want to write general articles so there are plenty of options for you as well maybe you have an interest in writing short stories so there are plenty of options maybe you have an interest in politics news and entertainment there are websites regarding that as well jokes uh education religion there are plenty plenty of options for you to write content on any niche that you want if you just scroll down below to the absolute bottom as you can see there are 101 websites that are mentioned over here that are willing to pay you a good chunk of money just to write
articles and i am going to show you six ways in which you can create these articles absolutely for free in under 10 minutes with as little effort as possible but before going ahead and telling you the six ways in which you can write articles first you need to submit your application to these websites for you to become a writer of that particular website so if you just click on any of these websites you will land on the page where you can submit your articles and you can submit your request so for an example i have taken two websites first of them being vibrant life if you just come on to this website there are a lot of guidelines that you need to absolutely follow to the t to understand what this company is all about what is the writing style so when you are creating content through my ways that i am going to tell you at least you have an idea of what the final product should look like if you just come over here many websites may look for a particular style of writing may look for a particular level of vocabulary may look for maybe some photos some videos in the content and there are many things that a particular website may be very keen on and you need to follow each and everything in order to get accepted and in order to start making money
With this website if you just scroll down below as you can see contact the editor submissions writing queries and suggestions so if you want to be a writer you need to contact the editor if you just come over here as you can see contact the editor you don't have to send emails to anyone you just have to fill up this form on this website itself this is a very simple form you just have to write your name email address subject message and then choose a file this will be a word document of your article now if you just come to the other website that i have selected as you can see over here uh wanderlust if you just see there are writers guidelines so if you just come over here uh there's everything you need to know about writing on wanderlust so should i send a manuscript or a proposal how you need to send a proposal what needs to be submitted what is the writing style of these people so each and everything is mentioned about each and every different website if you are applying to any website you need to first read all these things and you need to be very off what they accept and what they don't accept so if you just come over here as you can see you need to submit your articles on this email address for the first website the submission was on the website itself but over here you need to submit your articles on this uh email address so there are different methods of submission you need to look out for and whenever you are submitting your articles to any website just make sure that you go through all the requirements that they have now one of the biggest hurdles and the only hurdle that there is in order to start making money with this method is getting accepted into these websites but don't worry getting accepted is super simple because these websites are constantly looking for fresh faces new writing styles new people and new content so getting accepted into these websites will be super simple if you have a good article that i'm going to show you how to write and if you follow all the steps that each and every website says now
in order to make your life more simpler i have done the work for you i have already created three high quality articles of 600 700 words that you can literally copy and paste if not copy and paste at least take an inspiration from those articles on what the standard needs to be i'm not saying that there is a hundred percent guarantee that if you send those articles use those articles you will be selected but there is a high chance because i have put a lot of effort in writing those articles making those articles as high quality as possible so i am going to provide you those high quality articles absolutely for free so that you yourself can get accepted into these websites and once you get accepted into these websites then rest everything is super simple there is no problem after you get accepted into these websites because the six methods i am going to show you to create content is absolutely unique it 100 works and you can make a good chunk of money just by putting in 10 15 minutes of effort so in order to get those high
quality articles absolutely for free all you will have to do is just like this video subscribe to my channel and just comment down below that you want those articles and i will give you a downloadable link to all those three high quality articles absolutely for free you can try those articles now don't worry if you don't get accepted into one or two of these websites there are a hundred and one websites that you can try and you will get accepted into at least five or six of them and once you get accepted rest everything is super simple so don't lose your hope even if you get rejected by five six ten websites there are a hundred and one websites that you can try and start making money with this method don't worry the link to this article that has 101 websites mentioned for you is in the description box below you can go on that website and check out these websites for yourself but wait don't leave this video just watch this video till the end to understand each and everything understand how you can create high quality content in literally 10-15 minutes and then start making a bucket load of money with these websites so before going ahead and telling you the six methods of creating content let me tell you there are three steps in creating any content the first being the research the second being the writing and the third being the proofreading but the six methods that i am going to show you completely take away the first two steps that is the research and the writing and all you will have to do is just prove read it once that if you can change a line over here just add a word change a word over here just make sure of the punctuations just make sure that the whole article is a nice flowing article and you're basically done you will be able to make anywhere from fifty dollars to three thousand dollars just for 10 15 minutes of effort now the first of the six methods that i am going to tell you is google translate this is the first method and this is one of my most used methods all you have to do is just come to google translate in the translation pick any language that is close to English finish works for me now in this box write whatever the topic of your content is write whatever the main topic of your article is maybe the article is regarding weight loss so just write how to lose weight and this is the translation in finnish now what you have to do is just copy this translation and search it in another tab as i have done over here i've just searched the translation over here and as you can see all these articles are in finnish language the original content isn't finished so if you just come to any of these websites just open a website and as you can see google itself is asking us if we want to translate it into english or not so just click on the english translation and boom there you go you have unique high quality content that is originally in finnish and you have translated it into english and this content all of this content is absolutely unique and you can use it absolutely for free it will literally take you just 10 minutes to just copy and paste and just go through this article once find out what needs to be written what needs to be rejected and you can create a high quality uh 500 600 700 word article in 15 minutes now i won't recommend you to literally just go and just copy and paste each and everything from top to bottom you need to be smart about what you are copying and how you are presenting that article what i would recommend you is just take a paragraph from here then go down below just take a paragraph from here just take a paragraph from here maybe change the numbering as you can see this is at number three just place it at number one whatever is that number one just place it at the bottom maybe number seven maybe number six so you need to be smart about how you present this article as this article is originally in finnish no one has written this article in english so this article is very unique but you at least need to be smart about what you are copying the second method of creating high quality content is quora as quora is also filled with information so all you will have to do is just come over here to the search box and write whatever your target keyword is maybe how to lose weight similar keyword that we have written how to lose weight and you will see
there is a lot of content that you can use as the basis of your article as you can see over here what are the best ways to lose weight just click on this question and as you can see there are hundreds and hundreds of answers for this particular question korra has a plethora of knowledge on each and every subject you will find content regarding each and every topic on quora so what you will do is just come to quora just try search for anything and what you can do is just take a paragraph from this answer just take a paragraph from this answer just take a paragraph from this answer and just make a single flowing article as i said you don't have to research anything you don't have to read anything all you will have to do is a third step that is proofread everything that will literally take you just 10-15 minutes the third method to get high quality content is internet archives internet archives has a database of each and every article that is written on the internet each and every ebook article publishing text everything is available on internet archives so just write the same thing over here whatever your niche is similarly how to and just click over here on search text content just click on go and there you go you have five million pieces of articles content that you can use as the basis for your own article absolutely for free as you can see all of these are ebooks all you will have to do is download a couple of these ebooks maybe two three e-books and just take a paragraph from here paragraph from there just merge the content from two to three ebooks and you will have content that is hundred percent unique hundred percent usable and that has the potential of making you almost three thousand dollars and all you will have to do is just make one flowing article and that's basically it the fourth method is free articles available on the internet if you just come to google and write free articles you will come across many websites that provide many articles for you to reuse as you can see access to more than 15 000 copyright free articles so you can come over to any website out of these websites in order to get free article and look if the keyword if the content that you are searching for is available on those websites or not personally i use this website that is called izen articles this is a very good website that has content on almost each and every keyword if you just come over here as you can see there are 500 000 expert authors sharing their best articles you can just search whatever your target keyword is and you will find many articles that are on that particular keyword and as i'm saying again and again these six methods are absolutely free all you will have to do is just be smart about what you are using you just have to proofread each and everything just make one flowing article and just make sure that you don't copy each and everything you don't copy 100 of one particular article as if you come over here you can take this article this article and this article you can take these three articles and merge the content of these three articles together to make one singular flowing article that you can use absolutely for free without any copyright strike because that content is unique the fifth method is using google docs just come to google docs google docs is where you can create content where you can create word documents just come to google docs and just open a blank document you will see that you don't have to actually type content what you can
do is use microphone and use speech to text just come over here to the tools and just come over here to voice typing you can just click over here and then you can create content without actually typing the content this will be a much faster way of writing content on a topic that you have some information about and this tool can convert your speech into text and then you can use this text all you will have to just go through this content once to be sure that uh the speech hasn't made any mistakes and that article is error free proper punctuations are there proper spellings are there so you can just go through this content once and this is a much faster way of creating content that you have some information on the sixth method of creating content very easily is coming to fiverr if you don't know what fiverr is fiverr is the world's biggest freelance marketplace here you can find people who will be willing to write content for you for literally five ten fifteen dollars and you can post that on the website that you get accepted for and you can make 200 300 400 and up to three thousand dollars from that particular website so as you can see ten dollars five dollars ten dollars people are willing to create content for literally five ten dollars and then you can resell this content on the websites that you get accepted into all you will have to just get an order from that particular website for uh 200 300 400 and just come to fiverr and look for people who are willing to create content for 10 15 20 and you can make a bucket load of money following this method without doing anything there are 101 websites that you can try and you will be accepted into at least 5 or 6 or 10 of them and then you can make upwards of three thousand dollars per article that you create i have shown you six different ways of creating content that is super simple and it
will literally take you just 10-15 minutes to create that content and you can make upwards of three thousand dollars per post along with that i have made your life easy i've provided you three high quality articles absolutely for free that i have put in a lot of effort to create those articles are a good way for you to get accepted into these websites but there is no guarantee that you will get accepted into any of these websites but you can at least take inspiration from those articles and see what type of content that needs to be produced what is high quality what is the meaning of high quality in order to get those three high quality articles that can help you absolutely for free all you will have to just like this video subscribe to my channel and just comment down below that you want those articles and i will give you a downloadable link to all those three articles if you like this method of making money online and want to learn more methods of making money online absolutely for free click on the video that is flashing on your screen right now because in this video i have told you how you can create anywhere from eight hundred dollars to nine hundred dollars per email that you send out i've shown you each and every step how you need to create that email how you need to send that email what are the target audience that you need to focus on and you can make thousand dollars just by sending out simple emails so click on that video to learn how you can make thousand dollars by just sending out simple emails.
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